Benjamin and his cousin Abraham met each other for the first time this past weekend. It was a rollicking good time, even if the weather was a bit on the yucky side. There were lots of Eskimo kisses exchanged, and we can't wait until Benjamin is able to run around after Abraham. We'll probably all be exhausted, but darn will it be fun.
Benjamin is grabbing and chewing lots of things including his fists, a crinkly yellow square and Sophie la Giraffe. He loves sitting up, assisted, and when you put him on his tummy, he tries very hard to get his knees up and under his belly. No luck yet, but he seems rather determined. He is growing out of clothes left and right, and it seems that we retire something(s) on a weekly basis. Thank goodness for the hand-me-downs from his cousin Abraham. And Grampa L and Grammie P seem rather determined to make him the dapper-ist guy on the block. Handsome and well-dressed at three months. My goodness.
Benjamin loves smiling and laughing, which makes our day, every day, and he is making all sorts of sounds - oohs, ahhs, coos and caws. When he wants something, our little Leo makes a very determined noise that sounds something like "YAH!", repeating as necessary with greater intensity until he gets the response he's looking for. Video evidence to be posted soon.